Something You Need to Know Before You Float the River
The most important thing you need to know before you float the river with your friends this summer is your route! Know where you're going to start and finish, if someone tells you that the river makes a full circle, chances are they are lying. Unfortunately for three ladies in their 20's they believed some random guy who told them that the river made a circle and it would bring them back to the starting point. The three women set out on the river and ended up stranded after six hours of floating the river. They got up to a riverbank where they yelled for help and had to spend the night. The 3 women were eventually rescued by fishermen the next day. Luckily for the three women, they only had scratch marks and bug bites and no injuries were reported. Whether you've floated a river several times or it's your first time, research, don't end up like these ladies did!
Whether you're kayaking, canoeing or floating down a river you should always know your starting and end point! Last summer I went to Broken Bow, Oklahoma for a bachelorette party and I was the least outdoorsy one in the crew and had no idea how to go about kayaking down the river. Have some peace of mind, pay the $10 to rent a kayak and make sure someone will be there when you arrive to load you in a bus and take you back to your starting location. Instead shift your attention to making sure there aren't any copperheads in your kayak!
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