Remembering My Mom on Mother’s Day
I debated writing about this, I am not an expert, but you know what they say opinions are like... well you get the point. I lost my mother when I was 13, it feels like a lifetime ago, but I remember so much about her it feels like I just saw her last week. Whenever something goes horribly wrong or I accomplish something great, she is still the first phone call I go to make. I doubt that feeling ever goes away, you know the feeling in the pit of your stomach when you realize, that person you love is gone.
If you're like me and going into Mother's Day weekend missing your mom, I hope you have something you can do to keep her memory alive. My mom was obsessed with flowers, plants, she was the queen of the garden. If she walked into the house with dirt under her nails I knew she'd be in a good mood. I now call it her "Gardening With God" sessions, she would pray and make sure her front yard looked amazing. When I see flowers, I think of my mom. When I was a waitress I remember going into Starbucks and getting my daily dose of coffee. Mother's Day Brunch was going to have me running from table to table and I needed all the energy I could get. I ordered my coffee and I looked down and there was a gift card that said "Happy Mother's Day" it had flowers and I just reached for it. I asked the barista to load $20 into it and I handed it off to a girl who was on her way to church. She politely thanked me and probably thought I was a creep.
It's an odd tradition I've kept going, my mom was always focused on doing for others and making sure everyone around her felt loved and appreciated. I live in constant fear that one day I won't remember what my mom was like. So I do these odd things, in her honor to make sure I never forget her legacy. After I hand these gift cards off, I can't help but think I am feeling the same way she would feel when she would do things for others. For a second there, I feel as close as I can to being just like my mom. To my fellow motherless children out there, find something that your mom would do if she was still around, and do it. I promise it makes for an amazing Mother's Day.
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