Officials Confirm Two Zika Virus Cases In Louisiana
Mosquitoes are never too far away from the mindset of Louisiana residents. This year could be especially bad for the human population of the state as the mosquito population of the state is getting a running start on the warm weather months. If you consider the high water situation that many areas of the state have yet to recover from and the relatively mild winter, this could be a bad year for mosquitoes.
If you add on to the fact that there is a new virus, the Zika Virus, to go along with the West Nile Virus residents of the state have even more reasons to be more than a little cautious concerning the annual assault of the blood suckers.
Dr. Frank Welch the Medical Director for the Louisiana Center for Community Preparedness told the Louisiana Radio Network that two new cases of the Zika Virus have been confirmed in Louisiana.
We recently learned that some of the tests we did back 6 to 8 weeks ago did come back positive.
The reason for the delay in the diagnosis was the samples had to be sent to the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta. There is now a faster method for confirming the Zika Virus.
Dr. Welch went on to explain that those who were infected had traveled to South America where the virus has stronger foothold. In fact none of the cases of the Zika Virus in Louisiana have been linked to mosquito interaction that took place in the United States.
In the continental United States, there has not been a case that mosquito borne transmission has happened.
Those who have been infected by the virus came in contact with it during travels abroad. However Dr. Welch suggests that mosquitoes that carry the Zika Virus are in Louisiana. They will become more active as the weather gets warmer. He advises all residents to use proper mosquito repellent to protect themselves not only from the Zika Virus but West Nile Virus as well.
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