For the third day in a row, the National Weather Service has issued a 'Heat Advisory' informing us that heat index values could approach 109 degrees during the heat of the day.

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To add insult to injury, the weather outlook only gets hotter. Temperatures for the next week will hover near triple digits.


Quoting the old adage that perfectly suits us here in Louisiana, "It's not the heat. It's the damn heat."

We officially entered into the Hades portion of summer and for the next several weeks, these 'Heat Advisories' will become nearly laughable, as most of us, after hearing that the National Weather Service has issued one, will think to ourselves, "Well, it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out."

Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images

If this is your first summer here in the Shreveport area, yes, I'm sorry, it does get like this every year. In fact, it's actually been pretty mild so far this year, so, in actuality, we're getting off a little light since it's just now hitting us.

Of course, it's summer in Louisiana, so what did we expect? All we can do about it is stay hydrated and try to laugh it off.


Laughter is one of the surest ways to beat this heat and to aid in that effort, check out 20 of Louisiana's Most Favorite "It's So Hot" Jokes

  • It's so hot, my thermometer goes up to "Are you kidding me?"
  • It's so hot, Optimus Prime transformed into an air conditioner
  • It's so hot, I saw a cop chasing a thief and they were both walking
  • It's so hot, your clothes will iron themselves
  • It's so hot, even my ex-wife's heart is melting
  • It's so hot, firecrackers light themselves
  • It's so hot, even the artificial flowers are dying
  • It's so hot, I saw the devil in Wal-Mart buying an air conditioner
  • It's so hot, I saw a funeral procession pull through a Dairy Queen
  • It's so hot, you can wash and dry your clothes at the same time
  • It's so hot, I saw a chicken lay an omelette
  • It's so hot, now we can make Instant sun tea
  • It's so hot, catfish are already fried when you catch them
  • It's so hot, you learn that your seat belt makes a pretty good branding iron
  • It's so hot, cows are giving evaporated milk
  • It's so hot, you get condensation on your butt from the water in the toilet bowl
  • It's so hot, I saw a crackhead putting copper back into an air conditioner
  • It's so hot, Jehovah's Witnesses have started telemarketing
  • It's so hot, your car overheats before you even start it
  • It's so hot, I saw a guy with a sign that said, "Will work for shade"

Old Wives Tales About Weather And Why They're Right

When you see that there's actually some science behind these, it definitely makes you consider the validity of these old wives tales about weather.

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