As I am sure you are aware, floods in Louisiana can be devastating.  So much so, that usually Louisiana farmers know how to deal with quite a bit of it.  Unfortunately, that isn't always the case.  In mid-August of 2016, however, came the type of floods that even some of the very prepared and extremely tough Louisiana farmers weren't ready for.  All-in-all, the LSU Agricultural Center estimates that over $110 million in damage was done in the farming sector alone during the unusual deluge.

According to the National Weather Service "A slow moving upper level low pressure system with a pool of very deep tropical moisture," caused the massive amounts of precipitation.  If you were looking for a perfect formula for too much rain - this is it.  Because of the incredible loss farmers were dealing with, the Louisiana agriculture department was able to secure grants for almost 1,000 farmers who dealt with the brunt of the agricultural damage.  961 farmers will each receive grants to help them recoup their losses and rebuild their operations.  The average recipient will get a check for $9,905, with the maximum reward locked at $12,185.  These grants will be paid with a portion of the $1.7 billion block grant granted to our state by the US Congress for flood relief.

According to, farmers in 51 parishes were eligible for the payment if they had taken $10,000 or more in losses.  They must also have seen this damage taken to certain crops and livestock such as: cotton, corn, crawfish, grain, sweet potatoes, sugarcane, strawberries, wheat and/or cattle.

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