Lets Face It. Our Parents Are Liars.
The sad reality hit me. My parents lied to me so much growing up. It's actually kind of sad. Growing up in a college town college students were always coming around trying to sell something. One day they rang the door bell and my mom told me not to peek, or let them know we were home because if the college students knew we were home they could come in and take all of our money. I remember sitting waiting for the students to leave and the relief that came over me when they finally left. Who tells that to a five year old? Apparently my sick parents do. I asked a few friends and co-workers what lies their parents fed them here are a few:
"My mom would always tell me not to put certain things in my mouth because I would get worms. I lived in constant fear of getting worms."
"To protect the carpet, my parents told us bugs stuck on to our shoes. if we wore our shoes inside the house the bugs would sneak into our rooms and start biting us. Our carpet always looked clean."
"My childhood friend was told by his mother that there was a pick up man. The pick up man would drive around and pick up kids who left their front yards without permission. The pick up man would drive the disobedient children to the woods and chain them up to trees."
"My parents told me I could grow up and be anything I wanted to be."
"If you smoke cigarettes cockroaches live in your body. That's why cigarette butts were always on the ground. To feed the cockroaches. It seemed logical"
"My parents told me and all of my siblings that the AC would break if we turned it on to cool past 74 degrees. We figured out that was a lie when we would have company over. If you walk into their house now in the middle of the summer chances are the AC won't be on. They're not frugal, they're sadistic."
What is s a lie your parents fed you as a child? Tell us in the comments below!