Labor Day Stories – Labor and Delivery
We know Labor Day isn't about giving birth to a child. Not that kind of "labor", but mishaps in the delivery room are so much funnier. So, that's what we want to relive for this holiday weekend. The pain and misery of labor is often referenced in daily life: "I'd rather endure childbirth than stand in line at Walmart on a Saturday morning," you get the point. Some folks walk away from the delivery room with amazing stories and we wanna hear yours! Have a good labor and delivery story to tell us?
Tracy: My husband (who is a paramedic) recently delivered a baby on the side of the road. I'm pretty sure that momma will be telling her interesting birth story for years to come. Sometimes babies have their own ideas about when they are coming into this world and we are just along for the ride.
My labor and delivery this past December was smooth sailing. I did ask for the mirror so I could witness the miracle of birth. . . after one push, I realized I was okay not seeing the details of my daughters exit. Holy Moly! That image is burned in my mind!
In honor of Monday's Labor Day holiday (we know it's not about having babies, but this is much more fun) tell us your labor and delivery stories!