Remembering Texas’ Most Devastating Natural Disasters Through History
Texas has seen everything from deadly floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, even freak winter storms too. We've seen many people lose their lives thanks to all of these acts of nature but there are certain days that live on in infamy for how deadly they were in history.
While this isn't a list of EVERY horrible disaster to hit Texas, these are some of the most famous (or infamous) natural disasters to cause havoc in the state.
5 Horrible Natural Disasters To Hit Texas
Gallery Credit: Daniel Paulus
Some other notable disasters that are engrained in Texas' history
Other historical natural disasters include the 1921 flood that took 221 lives throughout Central Texas & Tropical Storm Allision that took 55 lives on June 5, 2001.
We certainly can't forget about the 1947 Texas City Disaster, the worst industrial disaster in Texas' history. 581 people were killed on April 16, 1947 after an ammonium nitrate explosion that occurred on the SS Grandcamp ship that was stationed at the Texas City dock.
The New London School Explosion killed 219 students & teachers on March 18, 1937 due to a gas leak It was such a huge disaster, even Adolf Hitler sent a letter to President Roosevelt to the citizens of Rush County, which yes does still exist & people can read it today.
Galveston suffered another disaster in the form of plague of (nearly) biblical proportions of yellow fever. While Texas suffered from yellow fever in years prior, the worst outbreak occurred in 1867 between July to November. It was reported that 40,000 people were infected; 4,000 of which had died.
While these events are far and few in between, we will never forget these disasters that left a scar on the heart of Texans everywhere..

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Gallery Credit: Daniel Paulus