Most Popular Halloween Costumes in Louisiana for 2023
Don't look at the calendar now but we're only three weeks from Halloween.
(You looked at the calendar and double-checked our math, didn't you?)
No matter what your age is, it's fun to dress up for the holiday, whether it be for an upcoming party or for the big day itself.
And for us parents, we got to help the little ones figure out what they're going as for Halloween as well.
Maybe a little help? Just do what the cool kids are doing.
If you want to wear a trending costume, here are the top 10 costumes in the country right now, according to Google Trends:
- Witch
- Spider-Man
- Dinosaur
- Stranger Things
- Fairy
- Pirate
- Rabbit
- Cheerleader
- Cowboy
- Harley Quinn
This list is actually from Google Frightgeist, which pulled the top 500 costume searches from the aforementioned Google Trends to determine the most popular costumes so far for 2023.
But what about our neck of the woods? What are people searching for in Louisiana?
Of course, Google has that info too.
In Louisiana, the most searched costumes are Tinker Bell, mermaid, Barbie, Stranger Things, witch, and cowboy.
And by checking out the Frightgeist map, you can even see what are the most searched costumes in Louisiana by the major cities.
Here you go:
Alexandria - Tinker Bell
Baton Rouge - Stranger Things
Lafayette - Barbie
Lake Charles - Mermaid
New Orleans - Witch
Shreveport - Cowboy
Excuse us for one second while we editorialize. What the what, Alexandria?!?
At any rate, Happy Halloween everyone, and good luck in finding that perfect costume.
LOOK: How Halloween has changed in the past 100 years
Gallery Credit: Brit McGinnis