Need Some Gift Ideas for Mom? We’ve Got You Covered, Louisiana

She already lives in Louisiana and she has you, so what do you get the woman who already has it all for Mother's Day? Don't worry, we've got you covered!
Mother's Day is coming up this Sunday, May 12, 2024, and if you're anything like me you're probably in a bit of a tizzy trying to figure out what to get for the amazing woman who brought you into this world. Hint: you don't have to break the bank to put a smile on momma's face! Here are five fab ideas that'll make her day without making your piggy bank cry.
1. Clean the House
If you think moms are all about sweeping, mopping, and doing the laundry, think again! It's not exactly our idea of a wild time. So, how about this? Give momma a break! Heck, give her the whole weekend off, so she's not stressing about the neighbors popping over and catching sight of the chaos. Let her kick back and relax for once and YOU take care of cleaning house!
2. Feed Her
It's time to treat momma and treat yourself while you're at it! It's the gift that just keeps on giving. You grab something tasty that you're bound to enjoy, and she gets a break from the endless "What's for dinner?" soundtrack. And guess what? You don't even have to hit up a fancy restaurant. How about firing up the grill for a fun backyard feast? BBQ time, baby!
3. Quality Time
Here's the scoop on what momma really wants: quality time with you! Yep, that means actually ditching the phone for a bit... crazy, right?
4. Make Mom's Life Easier
Why not lend a hand mom a hand cutting the grass or giving her garden some TLC? If you spot something that needs fixing, why not just go ahead and do it? Get those hands dirty pulling weeds from her flower beds! Trust me, any break from the daily grind will earn you some major brownie points!
5. Make Her Something
Mom might dig jewelry and flowers, sure, but there's something extra special about a gift that's got your personal touch. It's time to get crafty!
10 Gifts Mom Doesn't Want For Mother's Day
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Gallery Credit: Andrea Vale