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CADDO PARISH, LA- November 2, 2023

Caddo Parish Sheriff's office deputies are working a train delrailment in north Caddo Parish, rerouting traffic away from the site.

LA Highway 1 northbound and southbound lanes near Rodessa remain closed as of this writing Thursday morning. Motorists north of the derailment area are being diverted to United Gas Company Road 3 and south of the derailment to Rodessa State-Line Road.


Due to heavy machinery being used by KCS, LA Highway 1 northbound and southbound lanes near Rodessa are closed. Motorist north of the derailment area are being diverted to United Gas Company Road 3 and south of the derailment to Rodessa State-Line Road.


Caddo Parish patrol deputies are assisting with a train derailment on the north end of the parish, said Sheriff Steve Prator.

Around 6 a.m. Thursday morning, deputies responded to the KCS derailment on LA Highway 1 in Rodessa.


Caddo Fire District 8 was on scene and reported there were no injuries or hazmat materials released from the derailment.

All lanes on Highway 1 north are open, but motorists are advised to use caution near the area as deputies assist with traffic. Standard Oil Road is closed at the railroad crossing.

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Gallery Credit: Canva

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