Is Senator Gregory Tarver Changing Political Parties?

The Caddo Parish Republican Party held their monthly luncheon meeting get together on Tuesday at Superior Grill on Line Ave. One guest's arrival set cell phones quivering across the room. One could almost hear the texts being sent.
Democrat State Senator Gregory Tarver sat with Republican State Senator Barrow Peacock, and Republican Representative Alan Seabaugh. Now of course, no one thinks Tarver is changing political affiliations, but it does cause one to pause and ponder why he would attend a Republican luncheon.
Senator Tarver has been a political force in the Arklatex for many years, and his attendance could be seen as nothing more than joining political compadres for lunch, and keeping up with what's happening in the who's who of the local Grand Ol' Party.
But there's also the fact that qualifying for the City of Shreveport's Mayor's race is only days away, and some have said that Tarver's entry into said race would change the landscape dramatically. Maybe even spell disaster for Mayor Perkins' rebid for mayor. And what better place to solidify a few allies from 'across the aisle' than at a high-profile luncheon of local GOP movers and shakers.
Senator Tarver's name has been bandied about for weeks now as a possible candidate for the Shreveport Mayor's race, but he hasn't said yet whether or not he is, or isn't running. His responses are usually a light-hearted aside about the fact he hasn't gotten permission from his wife. At Tuesday's luncheon when he was asked directly again, "Senator, are you running for mayor?" He once again deflected by saying, "I haven't gotten my orders yet!"