Here’s Clue #3 in Kiss Country’s Secret Sound Contest for $800
When you think about it, an extra $800 can make a sizable impact on your life. And now that "Shelter in Place" is coming to an end, that money will be an even bigger player.
It could mean a weekend getaway, several nights out at your favorite restaurant, a nice graduation or wedding present, or it might help you place catch up after having been furloughed from work for the last couple of months.
And Kiss Country is giving you the chance to pick up that "life changing" $800. Every other hour, each weekday from 6:00 am through 2:00 pm, Kiss Country gives you the chance to show the world how intelligent you are and score $800 for your trouble!
The actual contest times (all approximate) are at 6:15 am, 8:10 am, 10:30 am, 12:30 pm and 2:30 pm.
However, no one said there was anything "easy" about winning that money with the Kiss Country Secret Sound Contest.
It's just fun to play (and a lot more fun to win)
When we play the Secret Sound on Kiss Country 93.7, just be the 9th caller at 320-KISS (320-5477), correctly identify the sound, and win $800 cash courtesy of Notini's Italian Restaurant!
And to help you out, we'll give you a brand new clue each weekday here on the website and on Kiss Country 93.7 until we get a winner.
And here is Clue #3 for Wednesday, May 13: Two sports in one place
Clue #2 for Tuesday, May 12: Surf and turf
Clue #1 for Monday, May 11: Metal meets wood