Happy Ending to Homecoming Prank Becomes Valuable Lesson to Bullies
The small town of West Branch, Michigan has turned the table on a group of would be high school bullies in this real life Cinderella story. In a story we first read about on NBC News, 16 year old Whitney Kropp was voted to be on her high school homecoming court, only to find out that it was all part of a cruel prank by several bullies. Her mother, Bernice Kropp told NBC that “students pointed at her in the hallways and laughed, and the boy who was picked with her withdrew. She was getting ridiculed in school and on Facebook.” Whitney told the Detroit News “I thought I wasn’t worthy. I was this big old joke.” Bernice Kropp then went on to say, “But then, other kids started coming up to her and saying, Whitney, don’t let them stop you from going to homecoming. You need to go ahead; you need to do it."
So, that’s exactly what Whitney is doing. In fact, lots of local businesses in the community are helping to make this a homecoming she’ll never forget. Jen Case, with Whit’s End Salon in West Branch is donating services to cut, color and style Whitney’s hair. “Bullying is a big thing and we wanted to turn this into a positive moment,” Case said. Other local businesses are paying for Whitney’s dinner, gown, shoes and a tiara for the dance. Case went on to say, “We live in this community and we’re about the community and giving back. We wanted to help this young lady have a special night.” And to top it off, resident Jamie Kline started a Facebook support page which has garnered over 23,000 likes at this writing and continues to grow world-wide as others show their intolerance of bullying. Some of the comments include:
"You go, girl! From here in California, it looks like you won the vote legitimately but some of your "friends" got jealous and nasty about it. Their "joke" never really happened! Hold your head high and have a good time," Raymond Puffer.
"Whitney YOU are a beautiful gal inside and out and dont ever let anyone tell you any different,” Karen Morrison Gross.
"I am so proud of this young lady ((((You GO, Girl))))), her family and the awesome community we share! It's high time we ALL take a stand against bullies. They come in all sizes, ages and social arenas. Be Kind ALWAYS,” Ginger Warren.
Seems to us, that the “prank” has blown up in the faces of those would be bullies and now their "Joke" is the real “Belle of the Ball.” Looks like the "joke" is now on the bullies. Get ‘em Whitney and West Branch, Michigan, you have gained our respect, but with the fiber from which you were obviously woven, you really didn’t need it.
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