Public officials and other 'celebrity' guests have been spending some time this week reading a story called 'The Dot' to students at Apollo Elementary School in Bossier. I got the pleasure of reading to one of the classes this morning.

'The Dot' by Peter H. Reynolds is the story of a young girl named Vashti who thinks she can't draw. She puts a dot on a piece of paper and signs her name, and comes to class the next day to find her teacher has framed her dot and hung it on the wall behind her desk.

This inspires Vashti to paint all sorts of pictures of dots, and leads her to inspire a young boy to create his own artwork. It was a very cute story, and the kids all loved it. They were quiet and attentive the whole way through.

After I was done reading, I asked the students what they learned from the story. One boy said, "Never underestimate yourself," which I thought was very profound coming from an elementary-schooler. I love those large vocabulary words! A girl said, "Test your limits," and another boy said, "Try your best."

The lesson I learned was that you don't have to be great at something when you first start out. But if you keep trying, keep practicing, keep doing your'll get it.

Thanks to the Apollo staff for having me out today. I had a great time reading to the students! It's one of my favorite things to do.

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