Get Ready for the Krewe of Gemini Parade Today [VIDEO]
It’s parade day for the Krewe of Gemini! They’ve been celebrating Mardi Gras in a big way for 27 years in the Ark-La-Tex and I have no doubt that today's parade will be the best yet. The parade rolls at 4:30pm but I encourage you to find a spot on the parade route much sooner than that! I’ve heard (on good authority I might add) that the Krewe has already loaded TWO MILLION plus beads to throw… You better bring a bead bag… or ten to haul your loot!
With today being parade day, lots of visitors to our area have questions and Chris Jay from the Shreveport/Bossier Convention and Tourist Bureau offers some great tips for revelers!
While this video was shot a while ago, Chris shares some great information. The only major change is the no throw zones which we've included with the Krewe of Gemini's handy, dandy parade map!