Fish Free in Louisiana This Weekend June 9 and 10
This past Saturday, June 2, we kicked off National Fishing and Boating Week, which will run through this Sunday, June 10, with a slate of activities scheduled for various parts of the country.
And our own Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission has joined again this year with the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries and announced that June 9 and 10 will be “Free Fishing Weekend” for Louisiana citizens and visitors. The promotional fishing dates are provided for novices and non-anglers as an opportunity to experience recreational fishing in fresh or salt water without the purchase of a recreational fishing license.
The program is part of LDWF’s effort to attract more participants into the ranks of licensed fishermen. Fishing license fees support LDWF's conservation efforts including habitat management.
“Each year, we designate a weekend of free fishing as an incentive for families and friends to get outside and enjoy our beautiful Sportsman’s Paradise,” explained Secretary Jack Montoucet. “Whether your interest is saltwater or fresh, Louisiana offers some of the best and most diverse fishing opportunities in the world, and we welcome you to become part of the long-standing tradition of Louisiana fishing.
While a fishing license is not required, all fishing regulations, including size, season, catch limits and gear restrictions will remain in effect.
With the exception of free fishing weekend, anglers 16 and older must possess a Louisiana fishing license when fishing in any Louisiana public waters. Louisianians who decide to continue fishing the remainder of the year are invited to purchase a state fishing license at