Female High School Senior Told She Can’t ‘Paint up’ for the Game
Spain Park senior Macie Joines wants to be able to cheer along with her "painted up" classmates, but is being told now by school administrators that girls aren't allowed. I'm sure you've seen football fans doused in their team's colors at game time. These super fans aren't satisfied at merely wearing a jersey to represent their pride, they will settle for nothing less than wearing those coveted colors and logos on their skin. Spain Park High School in Hoover, Alabama has a whole pack of these kids! They are called the "Spirit Squad," and they all get their school spirit on by taking off their shirts, painting their bodies and faces with school colors, and cheering together in one group at the football games. The squad, however, is not an official part of the school.
A few weeks back, Macie and some of her friends (girls) wanted to join the squad. It is worth noting that the squad is entirely made up of boys, and always has been. Most of the guys were supportive, and Macie joined the group and painted up. The boys went shirtless, and Macie wore a sports bra. Fast forward to the next game, which was homecoming. Macie planned to paint up again, but school administrators pulled her aside and told her she could only paint up and join the boys if she wore a t shirt. According to her, they were trying to protect her from the "repercussions" - although, they wouldn't say what those repercussions might be.
That was not the end of things however. Macie's parents were not happy with the decision at all. Her father said that he is sure that the school was trying to look out for his daughter, but he thinks she should have the same rights as everyone else. Her mother thinks isn't fair at all, telling al.com:
Girls play sports with boys now. Boys are cheerleaders. It's really about a gender thing. It's not about anything else."
5 days ago, started a petition titled "Girls Should Be Allowed to Paint Up for Football Games." As of today, it had garnered more than a 1000 signatures. The petition has been delivered to school officials, and the decision is being reviewed by adminstrators.
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