Experts Say All Parents Need a V-Buddy
I think we all know that parenting is a stressful job. Although when I call it a "job," I don't think that does the incredible dedication and sacrifice of raising a little human justice. At most jobs you work a predetermined amount of hours, get days off, vacation, benefits - these things are not included in the compensation package for parents. It's non-stop hours, worry, sleep deprivation, and a whole bunch of work that ends up wearing even the best moms and dads down. To combat this inevitable fatigue, experts are now suggesting that every parent find a "Vent-Buddy" to keep their sanity!
I know vent-buddy sounds like a Black and Decker too made especially for chimney sweeps, but it's actually a friend you can count on to hear you complain. Not judge, or give advice - just listen. A sounding board isn't just great for working through your problems out loud, Smart Parenting claims having a sympathetic ear that lets you blast away with frustration over your husband not taking out the trash again actually reduces stress. The key is to find a friend that exudes empathy. The goal is to find a great listener with good advice (when asked), not a life coach.
The ideal situation is to find another parent in a like situation. If you are stressed over planning summer activities and meals for your out-of-schooler, reach out to some of your friends moms and dads. They are likely experiencing the same problems, and most definitely need a vent-buddy, too. In a perfect world, your kids and their kids can play together. As it turns out, it's not just moms and dads - kids absolutely need a friend to complain with as well.
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