East Texas Walmart Stores Hiring Extra Security
After the deadly shooting last weekend at an El Paso Walmart sent shock waves across the country, every one who shops at the low price leader was thinking one thing: Could it happen here? One thing is for sure, no one who went in to the Walmart Supercenter near the Cielo Vista Mall on the morning of August 3rd didn't think that a madman intent on killing as many Mexicans as he could would come through the front doors and murder 22 people and injure 24 others.
The folks that run the Walmart stores in Tyler are making sure they take precautions now, just in case that answer is yes. According to East Texas Matters, officials with Walmart in the Rose City have started hiring extra security to man their stores. Off duty officers, deputies, and constables have all been approached about bulking up security at the worlds most popular shopping destination in order to keep the shoppers safe.
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