During a press conference with President Donald Trump and Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards, National Institute of Allergy and Infections Diseases Director Dr. Anthnoy Fauci dropped a medical bombshell. Dr. Fauci announced that one of the COVID-19 drugs being worked on, Remdesivir, has shown "clear cut" evidence that it works in treating patients with the virus.

Today's briefing with the President and Governor Edwards was to discuss the Federal Government's assistance to the State of Louisiana, and increased testing capabilities. However before it got underway, Dr. Fauci was given the floor to discuss the news on Remdesivir, signaling how big the news is considered by the White House.

While discussing the treatment, Dr. Fauci pointed out that this study involved more than 1,000 patients, and was started in February. He referred to the scope of the trial as "high powered".

In a report published by NBC News, they noted that Dr. Fauci is usually "measured" in his tone, and that today he was genuinely excited while discussing the breakthrough.

That same NBC News report said that the FDA has not approved Remdesivir for treatment, but a statement from the agency to NBC News says:

"the agency has been engaged in sustained and ongoing discussions with Gilead Sciences regarding making remdesivir available to patients as quickly as possible, as appropriate."

There was a study earlier on Remdesivir that was inconclusive on the effectiveness of the drug, but that study was damaged during trials in China.


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