Fauci On School’s COVID Closures “The Worst Thing You Could Do”Fauci On School’s COVID Closures “The Worst Thing You Could Do”When asked about what college campuses are doing with COVID-19 shutdowns, Dr. Fauci said "It's the worst thing you could do"Greg AtomsGreg Atoms
We Were Lied To About Facemasks And COVID-19We Were Lied To About Facemasks And COVID-19Don't blame the public for questioning mask mandates...blame the medical leadership who lied to us about masks for weeks.Greg AtomsGreg Atoms
Dr. Anthony Fauci: COVID-19 Drug Has “Clear Cut” Evidence It WorksDr. Anthony Fauci: COVID-19 Drug Has “Clear Cut” Evidence It WorksWhile discussing the treatment, Dr. Fauci pointed out that this study involved more than 1,000 patients, and was started in February. He referred to the scope of the trial as "high powered". Greg AtomsGreg Atoms