Have we entered the age of the iChild? How young is too young for your child to have their own iPhone, iPod, iPad or any other fancy piece of technology? Is there potential harm associated with exposing children to such technology at a young age?



Do you remember when the internet was brand new? We waited for our computers to dial-up, we all registered for our Hotmail accounts and were amazed by chat rooms. Suddenly our entire world was connected. Fast forward twenty years or so and now you have toddlers connected to educational gaming through smart phones. Is it too much? Or maybe, if you deny technology to your children are you denying them an educational edge?

The list of applications geared toward children grows daily. From Peekaboo Barn to Magic Piano, children are learning their shapes, numbers, animals, and more all on a handheld device. As I sit here imagining the shift toward a digital learning age I also envision empty toy boxes, less cluttered rooms, and store toy shelves packed with dust covered games. Will the digital age cause the death of the board game? Will children place "virtual pet" on their annual list to Santa Claus in lieu of furry four legged critters that will ruin your carpet? I doubt we're that fortunate.

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