How often do you get into a heated discussion with someone that ends up with one, or both of you, hitting up Google for the ammo needed to settle the debate?
Officials at this venerated hall of learning (oftentimes disguised as fun) have fought to just get the doors open to the public - only to find that the public wasn't there.
Need to learn how to fix your car, fly a plane, operate like a world class surgeon? It could be as simple as buying a movie on Amazon Prime in the near future.
Bricks and Bots encourages kids to explore their unbridled creativity with their parents on one of the many LEGO table tops and loads of the best bricks.
The U.S. Department of Education picks 349 schools each year that are performing above and beyond expectations, or who have made great strides in closing achievement gaps
My 8 year old son has asked me on numerous occasions why he has to learn how to read and write this ancient language. I tell him "because I said so," but the truth is, the only reasons I can think of are signing checks and reading historical documents.
Have we entered the age of the iChild? How young is too young for your child to have their own iPhone, iPod, iPad or any other fancy piece of technology? Is there potential harm associated with exposing children to such technology at a young age?