Pick It Forward is an organization dedicated to orphaned children in our community who are dependent on the kindness of others through foster families.

There are a hundred reasons and thousands of kids that end up in foster homes, but the common thread among all of them is that none of them deserve it.  Pick It Forward helps these children by supporting them with financial assistance for camps, clubs and care projects in their foster homes.  By fishing the Pick It Forward Bass Tournament this Saturday, March 30, 2019 on Caddo Lake, you will help provide much needed assistance!

Entry fee is $160 per two-man team, but an angler may elect to fish alone, but may only have the legal limit of four bass over the protected Caddo Lake slot.

First place will pay the winning team $1,500.  Second is $1,000 and third place is worth $500!  Teams finishing 4th through 15th will receive some really nice "Winner's Choice" prizes.  There are also cash prizes for first place big bass paying $500 and second place big bass of $300.

Additionally, the biggest bass of the tournament, if over 10 pounds will pay the winning team $5,000 courtesy of Kyle Robinson, Injury Attorney.

To get more information or the complete set of tournament rules or to find out how to register your team, go to pickitforward.com or go to the Pick It Forward For Orphans Facebook page.


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