Audubon Zoo’s Beloved White Tiger Euthanized
There is a certain majesty in nature. Most of us only get to see this majesty when we visit our local zoo. In the case of our state, the Audubon Zoo in New Orleans is one of the finest. The facility is home to countless animals that you nor I would ever have the chance to see. Sadly, one of the Audubon Zoo's most beloved animals and attractions has died.
His name was Zulu. He was a very rare and special white tiger. Zulu was euthanized early Sunday morning March 5th. Veterinarians with the zoo said it was in the animals best interest that he be put down.
Losing him is really hard on everybody. He really was a great cat. Everybody's enjoyed their time with him.
Joe Forys, the zoo's large mammal curator, offered those comments to reporter Beau Evans of and the Times-Picayune. The majestic beast had been in declining health over the past few months was basically under a hospice-like care.
Zulu was born in the Nashville (TN) Zoo in 1996. He was acquired by the Audubon Zoo in 1999 and was an instant fan favorite of patrons of the park. He was one of two white tigers the zoo had obtained. His counterpart, Rex, died in 2012. Before the pair of Zulu and Rex, the zoo maintained a habitat for a white tiger named Suri who died in 1999.
At the time of his passing Zulu, the white tiger was 20 years old.
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