Amazon Will Sell and Ship Real Christmas Trees
Amazon is helping you make your list and check it twice. Not just for your Christmas gifts, but your Christmas tree too. According to the Associated Press, you can order a 7-foot tree for a little over $100. Imagine getting home and seeing a huge 8 foot Amazon Prime box at your doorstep. I guess this will avoid having your packages snagged by random people driving by. You can pick between a Douglas Fir and a Norfolk Island. Your tree will be shipped without water, but the tree will be sent out within 10 days of being chopped down so it can survive the shipping process. Look at that Amazon is saving you a trip to the tree farm! This is the part where Amazon Prime Moms cheer for joy.
Also for sale by Amazon a $50 wreath and a $25 red-leafed plant complete with Christmas decor. It's safe to say that Amazon is changing the way we celebrate Christmas. Amazon has already switched the way we shop, now they are making decorating for the holidays super easy. Will you shop for your Christmas tree through Amazon or will you keep the regular family Christmas tradition alive?