How Much Do Louisiana Drivers Pay in Gas Taxes
We are all feeling the pinch at the pump as gas prices close in on $4 a gallon in Louisiana. The national average is now at $4.11. But experts anticipate that price will continue to rise.
Louisiana is in an enviable position on the gasoline front in one area.
The sales tax on gas in Louisiana is 20.01 cents a gallon and that puts us at #43 on the list of all states. You won't be surprised to learn which states have the highest gas taxes. The Tax Foundation keeps track of the gas taxes across the country.
This Tax Does Not Include Federal Taxes
These numbers do not include the 18.4 cent federal excise tax on gas. This is just the state gas tax.
There is some good news about Louisiana and the gas tax. It is unlikely any lawmaker will bring up an increase in the gas tax anytime soon. That would be a political disaster.
Louisiana Has Been Pushing for More Road Funding
Over the past several years, DOTD Secretary Shawn Wilson has been pushing for a gas tax increase to help fund a backlog of highway projects. But he is getting federal money to pay for many of the projects on the Louisiana list. Louisiana has a long list of projects waiting for funding. That list has ballooned to more than $15 billion dollars.
Louisiana will be getting the first installment of federal money for bridge repairs. The state is in line to get close to $1 billion for bridge repairs. The first payment should be about $200 million. The money will be funneled to the state over the next 5 years.
More than 10% of Louisiana bridges need major improvements.
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