Wade Bowen Gets Real About Vocal Cord Recovery, & Mental Health
We all knew Wade Bowen was struggling last year. How can you not when you release an amazing new album and then have to shut everything down?
Wade is finally opening up about the struggle he, his family, and crew went through after his near-career-ending vocal chord surgery last spring right around the time he released Solid Ground. He's also using his platform to discuss mental health after the suicide of his nephew, and beloved crew member, Chase Everett Cavender, on Father's Day 2018.
Today the Bowen camp released a documentary called "Inconsistent Chaos." If you get the chance set aside 17 minutes to watch, it's powerful.
When asked about his nephew's suicide and if he was aware of his struggles, Wade tells Grammy.com, "I wasn’t aware at all. None of us were. That’s been the toughest thing through this process because he had everything he ever wanted…a beautiful wife and an amazingly perfect son. I remember almost feeling jealous of him at bus call cause he would walk on the bus beaming with pride and smiling so proud. I’m not sure what happened that fateful night. None of us will every know. But he was happy. I know that for sure. I want his wife and son to always know he was truly happy. He just seemed to forget it one crazy night and we will never know why or how it got to that point."
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