is a perfect site to see what issues are effecting you're area. I know I am guilty of falling into my routine and becoming blind to what is going on around me outside of my day to day life.


    • Ban Fracking in Louisiana Wetlands

The creators, Voices of St Tammany Against Fracking, explain that "Helis Oil & Gas wants to drill a vertical test that would require filling three acres of wetlands. If the well is fruitful, it will begin drilling horizontally, wiping out far more of some of the last remaining unpolluted waters in Louisiana."

Goal: 150,000 signatures.
Current Signatures: 91,887
Click here for more info.


    • Close Down Bastrop, Louisiana Kill Pen

This petition involves bringing attention and action to what Maggi Moss, the creator, calls "the largest transporter of horses to slaughter in the U.S.". She claims that the animals are treated poorly and that the company needs to be investigated immediately.

Goal: 25,000
Current Signatures: 18,251
Click here for more info.


  • Abolish or Reform Window Tint Laws in Louisiana

This Louisiana citizen, Kyle Hebert, believes that his right to privacy is taken away with his inability to tint his windows.

Goal: 7,500
Current Signatures: 6,400
Click here for more info.


  • Allow All Louisiana Fisherman Access to All Tidal Waters in Louisiana

This petition is created by Aaron Oberste who wants all fisherman to be allowed to fish on all tidal waters. He wants to start the "if it floats it boats" policy in Louisiana. I just love a good rhyme.

Goal: 2,874
Current Signatures: 5,000
Click here for more info.


  • Stop the Pay Gap for Women in Louisiana

I signed this one. The title is self explanatory. The age gap between men and women is very apparent across the country, but also in Louisiana. Destiny Kliebert, the creator, says that "On average, women in Louisiana make $16,453 less than men."

Goal: 5,000
Current Signatures: 4,371
Click here for more info.


Victorious Petitions that Made a Difference:


  • Stop AIDS discrimination by Blue Cross/ Blue Shield of Louisiana

This petition was created by a Shreveport resident, Robert Darrow. He created this petition to help Louisiana folks to get health benefits without discrimination. It was victorious because it made Blue Shield of Louisiana and two other Louisiana insurers have to accept Louisianans living with HIV.

Total of Signatures: 134,711


  • Ban Dog Meat In Louisiana

I thought it was weird that this petition was made in New York, but Kerrigan Zachry wanted to make sure that dogs were not raised for their meat in Louisiana. Which I completely understand. This petition brought the attention to everyone who didn't realize that this was an actual problem. Click here to see the victory statement.

Total of Signatures: 647



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