Top 10 Ark-La-Tex Towns You’re Most Likely to Get a Ticket in

Running behind on the road is dicey in the Ark-La-Tex. Everything is so far apart, if you are late - it can be tempting to try and make up the time is while you're driving by going faster. Obviously, this is not the safest way to travel - but, we're all guilty of it. We have all (most likely) been caught pushing our vehicles faster than the posted speed limit and paid the price in the form of a ticket, and probably a higher insurance bill.
On one hand, we should all drive the appropriate speed in order to maintain a safe environment on the roadways. On the other hand, some towns take it to the extreme and have earned a reputation as a "speed trap," and will bust you for exceeding the legal speed even if you are only doing so by the smallest of margins. These cities are known as places you had better watch your speed in, and usually have members of the local police force or highway patrol posted up in key positions in order to maximize their ability to intercept those who just can't seem to toe the line.
In quite a few of these places, the posted speed limit drops dramatically. It's usually in the immediate area of where the legally accepted vehicular velocity changes where you find the most overzealous enforcers of the speed limit lie in wait for their next opportunity to "remind" motorists to slow down.
Earlier this week, I asked you where the biggest speed traps are. Apparently, you have gotten a ticket or two because the response was overwhelming. Below you will find the 10 most common answers, but if you have a location to add - please do! Just let us know in the comments, and we will add it to the list. That way, we all know where to tread lightly.
10 Ark-La-Tex Cities You Are Most Likely to Get a Speeding Ticket in
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