Two baby tigers are new arrivals at the Dallas Zoo. Zookeepers say tiger mom Sukacita gave birth on December 6 to male and female cubs. They each weighed in at just over 2 pounds. NBCDFW reports staffers at the Dallas Zoo are caring for the cubs around the clock.

Parents of the two Sumatran tiger cubs are Suki and Kuasa. This makes them siblings to Sumini, a cub born back in the summer. You might remember Sumini was the first tiger born at the Dallas Zoo since 1948.

Mom Suki is have a bit of a problem producing milk, so handlers are bottle feeding the cubs. A team of Zoologists and Veterinarians are keeping a close eye on the cubs around the clock.


An estimated 400 to 600 Sumatran tigers remain in the wild, and the zoo said in a statement that "each birth is a major win for this critically endangered species," adding, "we're thrilled to be able to contribute to the population once again with these adorable new additions."

Here are 14 Exotic Animals That You Can Own in Texas

Texas has an estimated 7.2 million dogs, more than any other state, this according to the American Veterinary Association. Safe to say, dogs are a Texan's best friend. But perhaps you’re interested in branching out a bit and adding a less common exotic pet to your home.

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