The 5 Best Joe Nichols Songs Ever
I remember the first time I saw Joe Nichols in concert, I was mesmerized with his "Garth Brooks" ability. You know how they make it seem like they're singing exactly to you? When I found out Joe Nichols was going to be in the area I lost my cool, Joe Nichols performing live? Heck yeah! Seriously seeing Joe Nichols live is unreal. So in preparation for seeing him live again, here are 5 songs we should all know like the back of our hand to sing at the top of our lungs. Notice "The Impossible" and "I'll Wait For You" didn't make the list, I am just not down to cry at a concert!
5. Yeah- Throwback to one of my favorite summer anthems! Heck YEAH!
4. Brokenheartsville- Oh yeah you like sad drinking songs? The devil drives a Coup De Ville, for sure!
3. Gimme That Girl- Joe Nichols is basically saying that a hot mess in the morning is totally ok, and for this, women all over the world thank him. Hold on while I brush my morning breath away.
2. Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off- In my case it's red wine, but yeah, we all know that Tequila can make our clothes fall off really quick. Has someone checked on Joe's grandma?
1. Sunny and 75- Not only am I dying to visit the beach, this song just motivated me to get up and go. Talk about reminiscing the good times! Joe Nichols, we are ready for you, now if only we could get the weather to be "Sunny and 75" around here!