The Kilgore Police Department has a Facebook page that they use to keep the community informed. They also utilize that Facebook page to give us all a good chuckle. Orange may be the new black, but somehow the outfit they're showing off doesn't seem date night appropriate. The Kilgore mascot is the bulldog so of course The Bulldog B&B is the perfect name. "**PSA** Remember tomorrow is Valentine's Day, so don't forget to do something special for your sweetie. Ladies the Bulldog Bed and Breakfast is now accepting reservations for those husbands and boyfriends who don't show you love. The Bulldog B&B has 4-Star accommodations for all."

Kilgore Police Department
Kilgore Police Department

I don't know about you but I am totally okay with a night at home instead of the Bulldog B&B, orange doesn't flatter me and the banquet T.V. dinner doesn't look like the best dinner choice. When Chief Hunter with the Kilgore Police Department was asked about the potential viral post he said "We don't really strive to go viral." The post has been shared all over Texas and Louisiana. "We are the Kilgore Bulldogs," Cheif Hunter added "So we named the jail the Bulldog B&B sometime back. Trying to show our lighter side. Our FB page has been a way to communicate with our citizens in a non-law enforcement manner." Thank you for the laughs Kilgore Police Department!

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