In order to make Kiss Country all YOU want from a country radio station, we do our dead level best to get that info straight from the horse's mouth; You!
Wife Julie is a dog's best friend. Hey gang it's Gary and my beautiful bride is constantly bringing home strays and finding proper homes for these wayward mutts.
More and more people are trying different forms of online dating these days. We've got everything from to all the way to and Facebook. So obviously online dating isn't taboo anymore and single people really are getting more dates from these sites, but according to a new survey, they
aren't necessarily good dates.
Wife Julie and I really don't argue a lot, but when we do, it's usually pretty normal stuff. Kids, money, crunchy or smooth peanut butter. You know what I mean. You can't live with someone and not have that one crazy argument that you look back on one day with mouth wide open trying to remember why that was ever such a big deal.
An old, wise man once told me "If at first you don't succeed...then you might not want to attempt sky diving." Well, apparently there are a lot of things we try once only to swear we'll never, ever do again.
In the "New Rude Survey" reported on by Daily Mail, businesses today are actually losing clients due to concentrating on technology. The study also reveals that almost 50 percent of workers admit to being annoyed by constant texting and typing.
So ladies, you've found the perfect dress for your night on the town. You're thinking to yourself that it's showing off your perfect asset(s) but doesn't make you look too trashy. Any man you see tonight should fall all over himself to ask you to dance. Guess what! What he first notices about you isn't what's so artistically hidden below your neckline.
If you’re involved in a relationship, odds are that you’ll have 4 different arguments with your significant other this week, and in most cases it will be for the absolute most trivial things.
In a new survey by Vanity Fair, men were asked to name the one thing their ideal woman is least likely to do. And the results were a little surprising.
Cheerios has come under fire of late for a commercial featuring an interracial family and YouTube's "The Fine Brothers" decided that instead of shying away from the subject matter, they'd discuss them openly in hopes of a better tomorrow.
All along I've thought "Mama McCoy" was a little stressed with our 3 boys. I just never realized she fell into the group of moms who are THE MOST STRESSED OF ALL.