Snake Expert Claims You CAN Smell SnakesSnake Expert Claims You CAN Smell SnakesObviously I didn't smell the snake, I thought everyone around me was joking when they claimed they could smell snakes. Krystal MontezKrystal Montez
Dangerous Wildlife: 10 Creatures to Avoid in LouisianaDangerous Wildlife: 10 Creatures to Avoid in LouisianaOnly Texas and Australia are on par with the sheer number of potentially deadly beasts and bugs found in the Sportsman's paradise.Brandon MichaelBrandon Michael
Snakes Are Out, Here is Where They are Probably HidingSnakes Are Out, Here is Where They are Probably HidingWhat should worry us are the poisonous snakes that are hiding in places that we would never notice.Krystal MontezKrystal Montez
Man Nearly Dies After Being Bitten By The Snake He Just Beheaded [VIDEO]Man Nearly Dies After Being Bitten By The Snake He Just Beheaded [VIDEO]This story sounds like something straight out of a nightmare.DJ DigitalDJ Digital
Snake Season Check ListSnake Season Check ListJust in case you’re needing to freshen up on some tips here are some things to keep in mind during snake season!Krystal MontezKrystal Montez
Fishing Captain Finds Huge Snake In FEMA DebrisFishing Captain Finds Huge Snake In FEMA DebrisI'd rate this snake to be big enough to make two pairs of boots, a belt, and very small cowboy hat.Bruce MikellsBruce Mikells
People On The Internet Totally Thought These Snakes Were Donuts [PHOTO]People On The Internet Totally Thought These Snakes Were Donuts [PHOTO]This will definitely make you do a double take.DJ DigitalDJ Digital
72-Year-Old Woman Kills 11 Copperhead Snakes72-Year-Old Woman Kills 11 Copperhead SnakesShe is just your typical soft spoken snake killer. The kind of Grandma that anyone who hates snakes would love to have around the house. Bruce MikellsBruce Mikells
Snake Attempts To Climb On A Boat [Video]Snake Attempts To Climb On A Boat [Video]Imagine this wonderful creature about to climb onto and into the boat in which you are riding. What happens next is the stuff that snake nightmares are made of. Bruce MikellsBruce Mikells
Baby Iguana Being Chased By Den Of Snakes Is The Most Intense Thing You’ll See All Day [VIDEO]Baby Iguana Being Chased By Den Of Snakes Is The Most Intense Thing You’ll See All Day [VIDEO]The wildest video that you will see all day is something that happens in everyday nature.DJ DigitalDJ Digital
Water Snake Climbs Out Of Pond And Eats From Man’s Hand [VIDEO]Water Snake Climbs Out Of Pond And Eats From Man’s Hand [VIDEO]In a video that some would see as nightmare fuel, a wild (non-venomous) snake emerges from a pond only to eat directly from the hand of the cameraman.DJ DigitalDJ Digital
5 Times Louisiana Was Investigated By Snopes.com5 Times Louisiana Was Investigated By Snopes.comWe are a state built around a good story. Whether or not that story happens to be true depends on just how badly you want to believe it. Bruce MikellsBruce Mikells