Let's face it - what looks like a "Phase 2 Christmas" is quickly approaching. We're most likely not going to join our loved ones (at least the non-immediate ones) for the annual Yuletide celebration. That means a smaller holiday at home, reaching out to family through technology like web-conferencing services like ZOOM, and lots of shipping.
Whether you're ...
There are several items that become hugely discounted after Christmas, and, if you're willing to fight the post-holiday crowds - you could save a bundle!
Experts have been cautioning consumers to be on the lookout for knockoffs and fakes that don't move or respond at all, show signs off shoddy paint work, or have misspelled words on the packaging.
In many cases the Operation Santa Claus gifts are the only gifts that these children receive. If you want to donate and unwrapped toy you can do so over the course of the next couple weeks.
Unfortunately I have had to start thinking about Christmas and what I plan to do for Christmas gifts. I have always been a huge procrastinator, and I am trying to change that this year. My heart says get everyone everything but my bank account is asking if I am getting everyone something from the dollar bin at Target...
I celebrated another birthday last week (Hey, I think Chris Evans did too), and my boyfriend had one 2 days later. Well, they don't call me "Last Minute Ally" for nothing, and he got his present yesterday. It was a good one too, some sort of weight lifting bar holder thingie that I heard him talk about once and by a rare stroke of luck, happened to pick out the right one...