
Unborn Babies Being Treated For Obesity In The Womb
Unborn Babies Being Treated For Obesity In The Womb
Unborn Babies Being Treated For Obesity In The Womb
Fat Fetus? Are you kidding me?! Yep. Treatment has started in the UK to combat the issue of overweight newborns. The controversy lies in the fact that a routine of healthy diet and exercise could probably produce the same results as the medication being used in the study.
Pregnancy Update – 33 Weeks
Pregnancy Update – 33 Weeks
Pregnancy Update – 33 Weeks
Well, we are in the home stretch of this pregnancy journey. Thanks to my handy dandy iPhone app I can keep up with it to the day (because Lord knows my short term memory flew the coup a couple months ago). I have 6 weeks and 4 days until Christmas Eve, my due date.
Odd Baby Ultrasound Images [PHOTOS]
Odd Baby Ultrasound Images [PHOTOS]
Odd Baby Ultrasound Images [PHOTOS]
Do you see what I see? After our last visit to the "baby doctor" and Ultrasound of our growing little girl, I am a little concerned over her less than ladylike poses for the ultrasound. One of them appears downright rude. And no, these are not fake ultrasound images, they are real, they are mine. I say that because multiple friends have laughed and said "that cannot be real". R
Planning For Baby – “Wants” vs. “Needs”
Planning For Baby – “Wants” vs. “Needs”
Planning For Baby – “Wants” vs. “Needs”
Holy Moly! Baby stuff is huge, cumbersome and will take over your house! How much of this stuff do I really need? And what should be put into the "want" but not necessary category? Einstein became a genius and was probably put down at night into a dresser drawer and given rocks to play with---now they sell a complete line of 'Baby Einstein' gear that is huge and colorful.
Pregnancy, Babies, Birth, Induction & Other Scary Things
Pregnancy, Babies, Birth, Induction & Other Scary Things
Pregnancy, Babies, Birth, Induction & Other Scary Things
Yesterday, at my routine pregnancy checkup, the doctor mentioned that we may have our baby around December 19th. "December 19th sounds like a good day to have a baby", she said. That is the moment it occurred to me--THIS THING HAS TO COME OUT ONE DAY!! O-M-G. I have been trying to NOT think about the exit strategy, and I really didn't think we would be talking details so soon, I still ha
Weird Pregnancy Dreams
Weird Pregnancy Dreams
Weird Pregnancy Dreams
I'm warning you before you read too far--these dreams are weird. I share an office with someone who believes that all dreams can be interpreted to have a deep meaning. Well, what on earth could Taylor Swift trying to give me a mean orange kitten or Sunny Sweeney having the images of the entire band 'Alabama' tattooed on her thigh mean? No, that doesn't sound too deep to me. These dreams sound more
Weirdest Pregnancy Cravings [VIDEO]
Weirdest Pregnancy Cravings [VIDEO]
Weirdest Pregnancy Cravings [VIDEO]
Pickles and Ice Cream----we've all heard it. And men love to talk about how their wives went nuts over loaded fries, pickles, ice cream at 3 am. I haven't experienced any of this yet, as I am moving out of the not wanting to look at food phase into the glorious second trimester. Gary McCoy knows someone who actually craved matches! (Burned matches!) What crazy pregnancy cravings did you encounter?