
Honey Boo Boo’s Mom, Mama June At The Beach
Honey Boo Boo’s Mom, Mama June At The Beach
Honey Boo Boo’s Mom, Mama June At The Beach
Here’s something you don’t see everyday and not sure you’d really want to. Can you imagine Mama June from "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" as a "Baywatch" Babe? Well you don't have to because the family hit the ocean earlier this week and Mama did her best impression of Pamela Anderson.
Local Instagram Firework Photos
Local Instagram Firework Photos
Local Instagram Firework Photos
Instagram is a cool app for your smart phone.  You can take photos and upload them to the web in seconds.  The following photos were all taken July 4th and hashtagged #shreveport.  Check out some local points of view for the fireworks.
Pinterest – Tracy’s Time Wasters [VIDEO]
Pinterest – Tracy’s Time Wasters [VIDEO]
Pinterest – Tracy’s Time Wasters [VIDEO]
So, Gary's out of town for a couple days and that means I have the overwhelming urge to play on Pinterest all day, just clicking "like" on innumerable shirtless Gerard Butler photos. Without Gary here to guide me down the path of productivity, I will soon be immersed in a pallet-turned-coffee table project and new 15-minute workout plans.
Solar Eclipse Photos
Solar Eclipse Photos
Solar Eclipse Photos
You may have seen a Ring of Fire yesterday and it didn't have anything to do with Johnny Cash.  There was a solar eclipse in the sky early Sunday evening.  An annular solar eclipse which means the sun was eclipsed by the moon.  Check out some photos here from the Grand Canyon and Japan taken yesterday during the celestial event.
Tim McGraw – Then and Now
Tim McGraw – Then and Now
Tim McGraw – Then and Now
You can still recognize Tim McGraw by his eyes and mustache, but much of the rest of his face is quite different in 2012. The singer is in much better shape than he was in this picture from 1993, for starters. There is something else that is different, and we can’t quite place it…

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