Measles Making a Comeback as Cases Reported in LouisianaMeasles Making a Comeback as Cases Reported in LouisianaAccording to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), there have been cases reported this year in at least 17 states, Louisiana included.Jude WalkerJude Walker
LDH Confirms 2 Cases of Dangerous Childhood Disease in LouisianaLDH Confirms 2 Cases of Dangerous Childhood Disease in LouisianaLouisiana health officials have confirmed two cases of a rare childhood virus in the New Orleans area.Joe CunninghamJoe Cunningham
The AAP Wants to Legally Require Immunizations for Your KidsThe AAP Wants to Legally Require Immunizations for Your KidsLouisiana and Texas allow parents to ignore the requirements for "personal, moral or philosophical beliefs against immunizations." Brandon MichaelBrandon Michael
Texas Student Vaccine Exemptions QuadrupleTexas Student Vaccine Exemptions QuadrupleOfficials have launched a full scale investigation into exactly where our weakness lies, and the results are alarming - especially for Texas.Brandon MichaelBrandon Michael
Measles Cases Reported in LouisianaMeasles Cases Reported in LouisianaAccording to the official CDC report, 21 states have reported cases of the illness since July 14 of this year - including 2 cases in Louisiana.Brandon MichaelBrandon Michael
Disneyland Measles Continue to SpreadDisneyland Measles Continue to SpreadMeasles are making a comeback. This scares the *(&^% out of us!Gary McCoyGary McCoy