Parents Lose Track of Kids After Drunkenly Passing Out on BeachParents Lose Track of Kids After Drunkenly Passing Out on BeachA couple was arrested for child neglect after being discovered in a state of heavy intoxication, passed out on the beach in Florida.DJ DigitalDJ Digital
NEVER FORGET: 9/11 and the Days After in ImagesNEVER FORGET: 9/11 and the Days After in Images2020 has been a year that will not be forgotten and for many people that has brought back memories of the horrific events of 2001, perhaps more so than in years past.Staff WriterStaff Writer
Video Proves to Believers That God Was There During 9-11Video Proves to Believers That God Was There During 9-11For those who might ask "Where was God?" during the horrific events of 9/11/01, this video delivers a powerful message that answers all questions.Gary McCoyGary McCoy