Study Claims Shreveport Can Pig Out Without Gaining Weight
I am on the first week of my Intense Fitness Challenge and let me tell you, all I really want right now is a warm chocolate chip cookie from Chick-fil-A and a Big Hurt from Frank's Pizza. I refuse to fail since I have an app that literally tracks everything for me and it's geared to help me succeed. What about my cravings?
We have heard about The Rock's insane cheat days where he consumes over 6,000 calories and sips on tequila all day long. How does a well-respected trainer in Bossier that I follow on Instagram pull off his epic cheat days? Turns out the trainer and the Rock have known a big secret all along.
A study came out claiming that you can increase your calorie intake dramatically for a cheat day and it won't cause you long-term health problems. The study claims that our bodies can process a pig-out day where your calorie intake skyrockets. However, you can't make a habit out of it. Your body can't jump back into fat-burning mode if you make a habit of pig-out days.
According to the University of BATH "Our findings show the body actually copes remarkably well when faced with a massive and sudden calorie excess. Healthy humans can eat twice as much as 'full' and deal effectively with this huge initial energy surplus."
Our bodies can handle extra sugar and excess fat by using it efficiently instead of causing weight gain. The study stressed the fact that if we go food crazy often, overeating will in fact add more stored energy into our bodies. That stored energy turns into fat which no one wants.
Turns out a cheat meal a week or a cheat day for those dedicated to the gym won't hurt your health goals, just be careful with that fork and overeating often. Go ahead and head over to Pepito's or hit up the buffet at Johnny's Pizza, you are in the clear. Might I recommend hiring a trainer or someone that can help guide you and help you reach those goals that you have.