Shreveport’s Pumpkin Shine Celebrates 30 Years With Record Crowd
Amidst a cornucopia of bad news lately, there are still good things going on in Shreveport. Last night, Southfield School and SPAR hosted the 30th annual Pumpkin Shine on Line at Betty Virginia Park to record crowds.

I've written before about things that add 'quality of life' to a community, and Pumpkin Shine certainly falls right into that category. Betty Virginia Park was packed yesterday afternoon through the evening as what seemed most of Shreveport wanted to walk the paved trail to see the decorated pumpkins.
I don't take for granted opportunities to stop a moment and appreciate what's going on around me. Tuesday night there were young couples pushing strollers, kids running and playing in the grass, old couples (like me and my wife!), black, white, hispanic... all converging on Betty Virginia Park to enjoy a beautiful night together.
Pinnochio Pumpkin
101 Dalmations
It was great to see so many people enjoying a beautiful evening together
Wizard of Oz
Face Painting Booth
Several schools and businesses participated in Pumpkin Shine on Line
Humane Society of Northwest Louisiana
LSU-S Pilots
If you missed Pumpkin Shine this year, make sure you book the time for next year. Thanks again to Southfield School and SPAR for sponsoring a great event Shreveport can be proud of.
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