Shreveport’s Anti-Violence ‘Dads On Duty’ Group Expands to Ark.
You how people say: "One good deed deserves another?" I'm here to testify that it's true. The latest proof that there really is something to that slightly unbelievable phrase is a pair of amazing deeds that now connect Shreveport and North Little Rock, Arkansas - and it's all thanks to some amazing dads.
School Violence at Shreveport's Southwood High School Was Out of Control
A massive brawl erupted at Shreveport's Southwood High School started in mid-September and ended with a total of 14 students being arrested and an assault on Southwood's assistant principal, shocking our community. Sure, scuffles are fairly common in high schools across the country - but this fight was completely out of control. When the dust settled, it was pretty clear that something would have to be done to prevent this kind of violence from erupting in the hallways again.
A Group of Dads Answered the Call to End the Violence at Shreveport's Southwood HS
It was obvious that steps had to be taken to calm the students down, but what could the community do? I mean, nothing short of having these kid's parents actually roaming the hallways to keep an eye on them would have the desired impact - so that's exactly what some incredible dads did. According to the report from CBS News, a group of fathers formed a group called "Dad's on Duty" in order to aid the school by patrolling the hallways. The day they stepped into the school, 2 amazing things happened. The fighting stopped and everyone went to class.
Shreveport's "Dads on Duty" Have Inspired Dads in Arkansas to Step In
As news of this amazing and effective strategy spread across the nation, parents of students in another southern school with a fighting issue were taking notice. Over the weekend, Shreveport's "Dads on Duty," made a visit to North Little Rock, Arkansas' Eighth St. Missionary Baptist Church. Administrators in this community have reported a sharp uptick in violence in their schools, and were eager to try out Shreveport's solution.
According to FOX 16, the purpose of this trip was to recruit dads in the community to form a chapter of their group. School administrators there are struggling with violence in their schools, and have seen just how powerful having dads in the hallways during school hours really is. The hope is that, just like in Shreveport, this program will help reduce violence in their school system in just a few short months.