Shreveport Startup Developing Possible Cure for Alzheimer’s
Oleolive is a local startup company in Shreveport who has announced that they're studying extra virgin oil to treat and possibly cure Alzheimer’s. KSLA was told by Alana Gray the chief operating officer “We’re thinking that our compound has a lot of promise for clearing amyloid beta from the brain and reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.” Recently the team won $350,000 from a federal grant to begin testing on animals.
KSLA also reports that Oleolive is working on an olive oil based skin care product that could also treat breast cancer. While this has been worked on for years the testing is still in the very early stages but could possibly save the lives of millions! Currently almost 6 million Americans suffer from the effects of Alzheimer's.
The startup Oleolive in Located in Shreveport off Kings Hwy near Werner Park and if their ideas work could change the world!