Highest Paid Shreveport Police Officers After Pay Increase
There has been a lot of discussion about the pay raise recently given to all City of Shreveport workers.
This began as a way to try to retain and recruit police officers for the crime fighting force. But it quickly grew to include police officers AND firefighters. Late last year, that plan morphed into a proposal to give a substantial pay increase to ALL city workers. That is the measure that passed.
All workers would be given a 13% pay increase. This comes on the heels of a measure to bump up the minimum wage for city workers from $11 dollars an hour to $13 dollars an hour. There are still many unanswered questions about how Shreveport will be able to sustain this pay increase over the long run.
According to the mayor’s office, funding for the pay boost will come from American Rescue Plan funds and increased sales tax revenues.
Only Council members John Nickelson and Grayson Boucher voted against the hefty pay increases for all. They both have concerns about long term sustainability.
KEEL News obtained city pay schedules in January before the pay raise was put in place and they new list after the raises went into effect. We found some police officers and firefighters are seeing pay bumps of only 6%. Part of the reason for that is the 13% was factored in for base pay only.
But this pay bump did get many more police officers over the $80,000 a year mark. Here's that list.