Roofing Company Offering Free Guns Fires Back at Hecklers

Though it didn't happen here in Louisiana, I can just imagine the geography could have changed to the Bayou State and the outcome would have been nearly identical.
In a story from foxbusiness.com we learn that Wiggins Construction in Wyoming added a little incentive to doing business with the company. In fact, the offer was so good, it might be said that it "fired up" second amendment naysayers.
The offer? Purchase a new roof installation from Wiggins Construction and they'll give you a brand new AR-15. While throwing an incentive out there for doing business isn't that novel, the idea of free firepower was pretty appealing to scores of people in the Wyoming area.
We've seen car dealers give away everything from ice chests and free flat screen televisions to grills and gas cards and there's been no commotion. But the minute a company provides something like a fire arm as an incentive, here come the complaints.
In the Fox story we learn the company has been called "baby killers" and received death threats for running the promotion, but according to Matt Thomas, the company's marketing and customer relations director, those comments have mostly come from people who aren't living in the state.
"Guns are a part of our culture out here," Thomas said. "I know that's hard for people to understand, but the majority of the threats are just people that don't live here that are making these calls. They're coming from the East Coast, they're coming from the West Coast, they're not coming from Wyoming. So it's not something we're really worried about anyway."
So how did Wiggins Construction respond to those who would threaten their lives or call them "baby killers?" Thomas took to Facebook Live where he challenged those claiming that they didn't respect life and made them an alternative offer.
He says, "So if you don’t want a gun with your roof, that’s completely fine." Wiggins customers who decide that a gun isn't for them, can make an $800 donation in their name, or their company's name, to a faith-based program for pregnant women looking for someone to walk them through pregnancy.
Thomas says that Wiggins' alternative to the AR-15 has an incentive of it's own as they are "taking a stance against the murder of 3,000 babies every single day by Planned Parenthood."
Don't you just love what they've done here? Well played Wiggins, well played!