Robinson’s Rescue Is Hiring
Robinson's Rescue, the veterinarian clinic that does tons of community work, as well as offering low/no-cost spay and neutering services is looking for a few great people to join their team.
In an email sent out by the clinic, they outline exactly the right type of candidates.
Are you searching for a more fulfilling job? Would like to work with animals? Do you have experience in the veterinary field? Do not miss this opportunity to learn about positions opening up at Robinson’s Rescue during our Employment Open House on Tuesday, May 24th from 5:30-6:30 p.m. at our clinic, located at 2515 Line Avenue in Shreveport.
With both part-time and full-time positions available for applicants interested in Veterinary Technician, Office Management, and Development/ Community Outreach careers, there is an opportunity for everyone!
To RSVP or learn more information about Robinson's Employment Open House or career opportunities, contact Dr. Andrea Everson via email at aeverson@robinsonsrescue.org.
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