Ready To Burn Your Pants? Levi’s the Latest Company To Pitch Gun Control
It was barely two weeks ago that Louisiana's bond commission blocked two of the nation's largest banks from involvement in a state-planned $600 million road project because of those companies' restricting gun manufacturing and sales by commercial customers. Because of efforts by Louisiana's Attorney General Jeff Landry and Treasurer John Schroder, Bank of America and Citigroup have been eliminated from consideration as underwriters on the highway deal.
It was Landry (in a KEEL interview) who predicted that these would be just the first of many major corporations to attempt to force anti 2nd Amendment measures on their customers. Well, the AG's prediction has become reality, as Levi-Strauss as announced plans to spend $1 million on their own anti-gun campaign:
From breitbart.com:
Levi Strauss is launching a million dollar gun control campaign which includes partnering with Michael Bloomberg-funded Everytown for Gun Safety to represent pro-gun control business leaders.
Levi Strauss president and CEO Chip Bergh announced the gun control initiative...in which he assured readers he is not trying “to repeal the Second Amendment.” Rather, he wants to join efforts to pressure Congress into outlawing private gun sales, i.e., sales between a neighbor and a neighbor, a father and a son, a lifelong friend and a lifelong friend, etc. In other words, Bergh wants to outlaw the very kind of gun sales Americans have enjoyed since 1791, when the Second Amendment was ratified.
So, as Americans are lining up to burn their Nike's in protest of their new, Colin Kaepernick based ad-campaign, can a smoldering pile of the country's favorite pants be far behind? And perhaps in Louisiana first!