As mid-term elections are approaching, one of the biggest concerns voters have is crime.  Particularly, violent crime.  Everyday, we're subjected to stories of violent crimes happening here in our own city, but it's even worse in the Big Easy.

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A recent article in the Wall Street Journal listed New Orleans as having America's Highest Murder Rate.  Mayor Cantrell must be proud as she's jet-setting around the world first class at tax-payers' expense. For a city that relies on tourism as it's life-blood, this is not good news.

In what's being described as a 'crisis', New Orleans is losing police officers faster than they can replace them.  But they are also losing businesses who no longer feel safe, or no longer want to put their employees' safety at risk.  Last week it was reported national chains like Starbucks are pulling out of the quarter due to concerns about crime and safety.

But it isn't just national chains.  Local businesses are also leaving. According to the article in the Wall Street Journal, Michael Casey, who owns Liberty Cheesesteaks is closing his store in New Orleans.

“I can’t put a 16-year-old kid at the register and he’s going to get two in the head,” Mr. Casey said.

As businesses leave New Orleans, it creates a self-fulfilling prophecy.  Businesses leave because there are not enough officers to control crime, but without those businesses contributing to the tax base, there won't be enought budget to maintain an effective number of officers on the force.

Police officers are leaving the New Orleans Police Department at an alarming rate. Over 100 officers have quit the NOPD just since January 2022.  Officers are frustrated at the staffing shortage, witnessing violent crimes, and of course, budget issues. Officers say dealing with the stress, lack of support, burnout, and realities not living up to expectations as major reasons for departures.  City officials state they need approximately 1500 officers on patrol to effectively police the city.  New Orleans currently has less than 990 officers, with that number expected to drop to under 900 by the end of the year.

But Mayor Cantrell continues to defend her 1st class travel expenses, even saying she will not repay the over $30,000 in expenses to the city.  What does this remind you of?  Hmmmm.... maybe Nero fiddling while Rome burns....

Caddo Parish 9/9-9/11 Violent Crime Arrests (Mugshots)

The following mugshots are of those arrested in Caddo Parish for violent or sexually related crimes through the dates of 9/9-9/11. All those pictured are considered innocent until proven guilty.

What Are the Largest Cities in Louisiana?

The latest census numbers show some population changes. You might be surprised by where some area cities check in on this list.


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